Got a question? We have an answer!
What should I wear?
We suggest wearing tight fitting pants or shorts, with a light top or sports bra. We do provide towels so no need to bring you own. SPD clip in or delta clip shoes are required for our bikes and can be rented at the front desk at no charge to you. If you rather purchase your own to have, we can get you some in 2-3 business days at a discounted rate.
Do I need special shoes?
SPD clip in or delta clip shoes are required for our bikes and can be rented at the front desk at no charge to you. If you rather purchase your own to have, we can get you some in 2-3 business days at a discounted rate.
Any classes offered upstairs are barefoot.
What type of memberships do you offer?
We offer different rates for monthly memberships, punch passes, or a drop in class rate!
Are the classes for all levels?
Yes! We cater our classes to first time riders and long time cycle lovers. We provide a modified option for every piece of choreography. Riders are able to go at their own pace, and control the resistance on their bikes.
What if I need to cancel?
When you late cancel your class (less than 8 hours before your scheduled class time) OR YOU DON’T SHOW UP to your ride a $8 fee is automatically charged to your card on file for late cancels and $14 is automatically charged for not showing up.
Why??? We don’t want your money! Everyone that has been to The Hype knows that your energy you bring to class helps everyone in the entire room. We need you! We want you here! Additionally there are members who want that spot you booked in class and decided to not show up for. We only have a certain amount of bikes so if you book one its your commitment to both yourself and your community that you will be in class. Another reason we take this seriously is it takes money away from our instructors. Instructors are paid per rider in their classes and so it also effects out Instructors paychecks. Just remember to book the classes you plan on attending, and you won’t need to worry. You owe it to yourself to book your classes, commit to coming to class, and show up for yourself.
We want you to come ride with us, be a huge part of the community and to not miss your classes, we need you guys. This policy is here for you, to keep you committed and accountable, and additionally allow you to get into the classes you want.
What time do I need to arrive?